Application for Council Flats

On this page:

Who can apply?

Any adult person with EU citizenship can apply for a council flat provided the provisions of the Housing Allocation Policy (in German) are met.

Please note:

  • Demand is very high; this is why there are waiting lists for most of the council flats.
  • For the majority of flats no income limits apply; exception: residential buildings subsidised by the Province of Styria – for more information please contact the Büro der Wohnungsreferentin.
  • There is no legal claim to Leoben council flats.

Office in charge

Büro der Wohnungsreferentin

Leoben City Hall
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
show on city map

Opening hours:
Mon & Thu: 08:00 – 16:00
Tue, Wed & Fri: 08:00 – 12:00

By appointment:
Tue & Wed: 12:00 – 16:00
Thu: 07:00 – 8:00 & 16:00 – 18:00
Fri: 12:00 – 13:00

How to apply


  • Your application will be valid until the end of the year following the application.
  • If you wish to renew it, an informal letter to the office in charge is sufficient; alternatively you may also make an appointment with Leoben City Hall.

Necessary documents

  • Completed and signed application
  • Copy of your passport or certificate of citizenship
  • Proof of your annual net income of the previous year
  • If you have health issues: a medical certificate
  • If you are pregnant: a copy of the Mutter-Kind-Pass pregnancy record
  • If you are divorced: proof of separation

Sample flats

Leoben Council Flats

Here is an overview of the locations, flat sizes and furnishings.

Change flat

Changing from one council flat to another is only possible in exceptional cases, and the following conditions must be met in this case:

  • The flat can generally only be changed after a tenancy of five years.
  • The prerequisites for a change of flat are regular and timely payment of rent and proper conduct.
  • The current flat must not be in disrepair or rundown.
  • Possible motives for a change of flat are mainly family, social, economic and health reasons.

A new application for a council flat must be submitted.

Forms & regulations

Our recommendation: Use the online form. In order to complete digital processing, you will need an electronic signature (e.g., ID Austria).

In German:

Gemeindewohnungen: Ansuchen (Online) Gemeindewohnungen: Zuweisungsrichtlinien (pdf, 0.07 MB) Gemeindewohnungen: Beiblatt Geförderte Wohnungen (pdf, 0.01 MB)