Kindergarten & Day Nursery Registration

On this page:


  • There is one fixed date every year for registration for the municipal kindergartens and day nurseries. Any applications for registration received on this date will be given priority over registrations made after this date.
  • The children registered are ranked according to age. If there are more registrations than places for a day nursery, the older children will be given priority.
  • Early registration prior to this registration date is not possible.

Registration for childcare at the municipal kindergartens and nurseries for the year 2024/2025 took place between 1 March and 31 March 2024.

For inquiries about registrations during the childcare year, e.g. because you have recently moved to Leoben, please contact the Education Office of the City of Leoben.

The general principle applies that for a child to be admitted to a Leoben kindergarten, the principal place of residence of this child must be Leoben. This means that priority will be given to applications from Leoben citizens. Children from outside Leoben will be admitted to nurseries or kindergartens if there are free places.

  • Nursery: Children up to the age of 3 can be registered.
  • Kindergarten: Children from the age of 3 can be registered.

Documents you will need

For the registration you need the following documents:

  • Completed admission form for the desired form of care and, if applicable, applications for reductions.
  • Residence registration certificate (Meldezettel) of the child

Municipal childcare facilities

For opening hours and locations of the municipal kindergartens and nurseries please see our service page:

Kindergartens & day nurseries: Locations & opening hours

Costs & reduced fees

Maximum fees/month for municipal kindergartens & day nurseries:

Morning  (until 13:00) Full- time (until 15:00) Extended full- time (Until 17:00) Due date
Nursery EUR 198 EUR 264 EUR  330 10 times/year
Kindergarten for children aged 3 and 4 EUR 150.54 EUR 200.72 EUR 250.90 10 times/year
Kindergarten for children aged 5 * free (mandatory kindergarten year) EUR 50.18 EUR 100.36 10 times/year
Meal contribution per serving EUR 3.48 EUR 3.48 invoiced based on exact number of servings
  All prices incl. VAT

as at 2023/2024;
* in the last year before the start of compulsory education

Adjustment to income group:

Discounts are granted on the costs of childcare depending on the parents’ income and number of children.

Please visit our service page for detailed information:

Adjustment to income group

in German